About Us

Our name OAK GLEN means that we recognize our identity in the local community. Christ has given us the responsibility to bring the saving message of His good news to our neighbors and to those with whom we come into contact.

Our name UNITED REFORMED means that we are indebted to the Protestant Reformation for our theological heritage. We believe that God saves sinners on the basis of His sovereign, unearned favor. God has promised to save those whom He has called by His Holy Spirit and who respond to the gospel message in true faith. As believers, we confess Jesus Christ both as our Savior from sin and as the Lord of our lives. Our congregation is also part of a federative body of churches known as the United Reformed Churches in North America. This ecclesiastical federation exists for the purpose of manifesting our unity in faith and in confession as well as serving the well-being of our local congregation.

Our name CHURCH means that our congregation stands united by one common bond of faith. Our congregation recognizes Jesus Christ as our sovereign Lord and the Head of His church. Every aspect of our congregational identity–our worship, our government, our doctrine, our fellowship–is governed by God’s infallible word, the Bible.

Copyright © 2025 Oak Glen United Reformed Church
Join us at Oak Glen URC for our 9:30am and 5pm services.For our livestream services click here.